Jan 12, 2011
1813 Hamer Dr., Plcentia 已經在去年12月底正式 open escrow. 在美國金融風暴的影響下, 銀行的貸款條件甚嚴,
以Calvin 房屋仲介的職業 來講, 沒有固定的收入, 銀行是不可能借貸給我們. 但感謝神, 我們也己經在去年年底就籌措剛好足夠的現金準備購屋,
而這個房子也已進入合法程序13天了, 眼看著再兩三個禮拜就可交屋的事情, 卻在昨天接到電話, 該屋屋主虧欠國稅局個人所得稅, 法院強制將房子收押. 目前的程序,
就必須到法院去參加拍賣會, 以競標的方式購得此屋.
開拓教會一直是我們在神國裡服事最崇高的異象. 雖然, 在一開始就有多方面的阻撓 甚至有屬靈的爭戰,
但我相信這是一個從神而來的試煉; 教導我們如何更進一步地走近祂, 仰望祂.
“福樂”的人數逐漸成長. 今年起, 我們開始 每週的信息 (30分鐘),
兒童事工, 以及成人/兒童主日學, 就如同教會一樣, 可謂是麻雀雖小五臟俱全.
我們沒有因此而氣餒, Calvin即將會在下個月出席法院的拍賣會,
如果這是神所為我們預備的, 祂必會成全.
1813 Hamer Dr., Plcentia by the end of December 2010 has been officially open
escrow. The financial turmoil in the United States under very strict conditions
for bank lending to the real estate profession in terms of Calvin, there is no
fixed income; banks are not lending any loan to us. But Praise to the Lord, we
have transferred just enough cash from Taiwan and prepared properly, while the
house has access to legal procedures 13 days, and just seeing a bit more than
two weeks, then we can make the house church happened at Placentia. But then
yesterday Calvin received a phone call; the house owner had the IRS personal
income tax debt, the court to force the house into custody. Now, we must go to
the court to attend the auction to bid for the house.
Church planting is our
ultimate vision to serve in God’s kingdom. Although there are many in the
beginning of obstruction and even spiritual warfare, but I believe this is a
trial from God; teach us how to further approached Him and look upon Him.
Fuller has gradually grow in the numbers; this year we started a weekly
message (30 minutes), children's ministry, and Sunday school for both adult and
youth; just as same as a Christ’s church, can be described as small but
We are not giving up the house yet; Calvin will be attending
the court auction next month (2/14), and if this is the one provided by God,
then He will fulfill it.
I will keep my update with you.
Thanks for your
1813 Hamer Dr., Plcentia 已經在去年12月底正式 open escrow. 在美國金融風暴的影響下, 銀行的貸款條件甚嚴,
以Calvin 房屋仲介的職業 來講, 沒有固定的收入, 銀行是不可能借貸給我們. 但感謝神, 我們也己經在去年年底就籌措剛好足夠的現金準備購屋,
而這個房子也已進入合法程序13天了, 眼看著再兩三個禮拜就可交屋的事情, 卻在昨天接到電話, 該屋屋主虧欠國稅局個人所得稅, 法院強制將房子收押. 目前的程序,
就必須到法院去參加拍賣會, 以競標的方式購得此屋.
開拓教會一直是我們在神國裡服事最崇高的異象. 雖然, 在一開始就有多方面的阻撓 甚至有屬靈的爭戰,
但我相信這是一個從神而來的試煉; 教導我們如何更進一步地走近祂, 仰望祂.
“福樂”的人數逐漸成長. 今年起, 我們開始 每週的信息 (30分鐘),
兒童事工, 以及成人/兒童主日學, 就如同教會一樣, 可謂是麻雀雖小五臟俱全.
我們沒有因此而氣餒, Calvin即將會在下個月出席法院的拍賣會,
如果這是神所為我們預備的, 祂必會成全.
1813 Hamer Dr., Plcentia by the end of December 2010 has been officially open
escrow. The financial turmoil in the United States under very strict conditions
for bank lending to the real estate profession in terms of Calvin, there is no
fixed income; banks are not lending any loan to us. But Praise to the Lord, we
have transferred just enough cash from Taiwan and prepared properly, while the
house has access to legal procedures 13 days, and just seeing a bit more than
two weeks, then we can make the house church happened at Placentia. But then
yesterday Calvin received a phone call; the house owner had the IRS personal
income tax debt, the court to force the house into custody. Now, we must go to
the court to attend the auction to bid for the house.
Church planting is our
ultimate vision to serve in God’s kingdom. Although there are many in the
beginning of obstruction and even spiritual warfare, but I believe this is a
trial from God; teach us how to further approached Him and look upon Him.
Fuller has gradually grow in the numbers; this year we started a weekly
message (30 minutes), children's ministry, and Sunday school for both adult and
youth; just as same as a Christ’s church, can be described as small but
We are not giving up the house yet; Calvin will be attending
the court auction next month (2/14), and if this is the one provided by God,
then He will fulfill it.
I will keep my update with you.
Thanks for your